Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two New (Pink) Products

In my family, I am known as the "product junkie". I am always finding a new lip gloss, shampoo, or perfume I want to try and I've done it again! I have found a new summer lipstick and nail polish. The lipstick is MAC's Chatterbox, a bright coraly-pink. It looks brighter in the tube than it is on your lips. It is a definitely color that is fun to play with during the summer. The nail polish I have found is Essie's Princess Pink (shown above). I am a fan of pale pink polishes because they are easy for me to apply by myself. This polish is different from my others though, because it is somewhat metallic, in the prettiest way possible. In the right light, it almost looks light lilac. Again, I love finding new products, so there will probably be a lot of posts like this one telling you about my favorite products. Until next time...

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